Maat Foundation introduces its 11th issue of Voice of the Citizen Magazine The most important topics: Problems of Upper Egypt, files waiting for the next President and the vague future of Egyptian Workers.

Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights introduced on Wednesday, May 2, 2012 the 11th issue of citizen's voice e-magazine. It dealt with a number of press release issues that highlight the range of problems and issues concerning the local citizens.
This comes in the framework of the citizen's voice project (2) which is implemented by Maat Foundation in cooperation with the Foundation for the Future which aims to advocacy and gain support to improve the legislative framework governing local administration to become more supportive of decentralization, monitoring and documenting violations of economic and social rights of citizens in the targeted areas and pressure on decision makers for improvement.
The citizen's voice magazine, which is published bi-monthly, focuses primarily on monitoring the situation of public services and track the status of economic and social rights of citizens, especially in the governorates that implemented the project.
One of the main topics addressed by the issue is investigative report on the "Canal Asfon”, which is going through the heart of Luxor Governorate, as a source of pollution. Also, there is a video investigation entitled "Al-Ashraf Street does not honor one”. It highlighted on the disaster of the street, the archaeological district of Khalifa.
The issue contains a complete file on the occasion of festival workers under the title "wake up Egyptian robust worker. You should understand your role in the patrol". The file deals with several subheadings most important "Egyptian Workers, the fuel of revolution. Struggling History and vague future and the revolution did not treats them fairly." And "Displacing more than 5 million Egyptian Workers in tourism because of the current situation
The issue contains a file on the next President including a dialogue of Mr. Mahmoud El-Askalany, the writer and head of assembly “Citizens against rising prices.
The issue is shedding some light on the number of problems: The forgotten Upper Egypt fell from the accounts of the government and the candidates neglect it in their programs". Official put aside “Sanitation and Lack of Development Projects "


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